Asit is busy.
Chris: Fareed Zakaria did a thing on the Mumbai attacks
Asit: did he. I'll check i out
Chris: fucking creepy shit
Chris: didn't get to finish it
but it was interesting
Asit: yeah. there was some documentary online by bbc
Chris: they have all these phone calles recorded
Asit: I couldn't get myself to watch it
Chris: lots of images of bloody floors
the guy they caught was pathetic
a whiney baby
the cognitive dissonance of the Pakis is astounding
Asit: well, he was just brainwashed into crazy bullshit
eeshan and I agree that the old india should unite
pre-british india = pak, india, bangladesh
Chris: what a fucking mess that would be
just like old times
Asit: yeah, but without that there's going to be peace for anybody.
Chris: could india just absorb Pakistan?
Asit: i don't think the pakis would like it
they are way more fanatical
Chris: this geopoliticol situation needs good old fasioned human waves
mass conscription is the only way to fight in some places
Asit: lol, then may be china should rule the subcontinent
Chris: whatever and who ever can do it
they should decare places like Pakistan tribal and somalia like free range places where any government who think can run it can apply to the un for a shot at it
Asit: I like that. capitalistic socialism
may be fully capitalistic, since the goverment would be like a board of directors and the entire country their labor force
Chris: maybe we will figure out how to totally automate the Afghan war
Chris: The idea would be that only one entity should have a monopoly on violence in any region
i'll just post the chat